6 months, 6 words

How to get better at writing succinct headlines and texts?

If you’re a fan of microfiction — and a masochist — you might challenge yourself to write an original 6-word story every day for 6 months. I don’t know if I recommend it though.

This is just a selection of the 182 microstories I wrote. Inspired by Hemmingway’s famous “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” the idea is to tell a complete story in exactly six words. And remember, this was just before Chat GPT — these are all straight from my poor, poor brain.

I guess I got addicted because eventually, I came back for more. Except this time, I added some design work, because why not?


  • Increase in followers over 6 months: over 750

  • Average length of headlines: about 3 words shorter

  • Increase in weekly migraines: 70%

  • Number of other people crazy enough to take on the challenge: 2

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